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This is me

  Hi!! My name is Achmad Dinand Widhianto, people usually call me Dinand. I was born in Bandung, 19 May 2002. I'm now 15 years old. My hobbies are playing games and playing piano, sometimes studying or reading. I'm currently studying in SMAN 3 Bandung. I'm not really sure what i wanna be in future but all i want to be is a usefull person and study at ITB like my father when he was in college. I live in Jalan Kalijati Indah Barat, Antapani.


  1. Hi Dinand, I love to see your blog. You are a good boy, and I'm sure that your late father and your mother are very proud of you :)


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Narwhal           The narwhal ( Monodon monoceros ), or narwhale, is a medium-sized  toothed whale  that possesses a large "tusk " from a protruding  canine tooth . It lives year-round in the  Arctic  waters around  Greenland , Canada, and Russia.            Each year, they migrate from bays into the ocean as summer comes. In the winter, the male narwhal’s occasionally dive up to 1,500 m (4,920 ft) in depth, with dives lasting up to 25 minutes. In winter, it feeds on  benthic  prey, mostly  flatfish , under dense  pack ice . During the summer, narwhals mostly eat  Arctic cod  and  Greenland halibut , with other fish such as  polar cod  making up the remainder of their diet Physical Appearance           Excluding the male's tusk, the total body size can range from 3.95 to 5.5 m (13 to 18 ft); the males are slightly larger than the females. The average weight of an adult narwhal is 800 to 1,600 kg (1,760 to 3,530 lb). Narwhals do not have a  dorsal fin , and th
On 26 January 2019, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung held an annual event called Edupassion. Edupassion is an event where students can gain information on many universities in Indonesia, even universities from another country.  This event is very helpfull for  students who still not sure where they want to study after highschool. Students can get the information by visiting stands and ask the person there. Me and my friends visited a lot of stands one of the is UNPAR Stand. In this stand i asked many question. I get a very detailed answer from the person in the stand. Another stand that we visited is UI or Universitas Indonesia. I really enjoyed this stand because not only they answer all my queston, they also gave me tips and tricks on how to get in UI.